
Apache tomcat 8 default username and password
Apache tomcat 8 default username and password

Having said this, it's likely that this is a System User Account and not an actual user these users typically have no passwords associated with it, as it is designed to be used by system daemons and services, rather than users. You state in your question you want to set up a virtual X server for a webapp - you don't need to login as tomcat7 to do this, though your question isn't "How can I launch a virtual X server for my web app as tomcat7 without logging in", so don't expect help here with that in this question. There's no logical use case for this, so therefore I'm not sure why you'd try and use it.

apache tomcat 8 default username and password apache tomcat 8 default username and password

Firstly, there should be zero reason to login as the tomcat7 user.

Apache tomcat 8 default username and password